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How to Eat Gluten Free in College

For people with celiac disease, going gluten free is not a choice, but a medical necessity. For many Americans who don’t have celiac disease, going gluten free has become a popular way to lose weight, improve their health, and feel better. But for college students, who are often on a budget and living in close quarters with roommates, going gluten free can seem daunting.

How to Eat Gluten Free in College

Looking for Naturally Gluten-Free Foods

For people with gluten sensitivities, eating on campus can be difficult. But with a little bit of knowledge, it’s easy to find gluten-free foods that are both common and easily available on most college campuses. The best way to start is by looking for naturally gluten-free foods like fruits, vegetables, and meat.

These items can usually be found at the campus cafeteria or food court. If those options don’t work for you, there are usually plenty of gluten-free snack options available as well. Just be sure to read the labels carefully to make sure they’re actually gluten-free. With a little bit of planning, you’ll be able to stay healthy and enjoy your time on campus!

Finding a College That’s Gluten-Free Friendly

When you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, eating out can be a challenge. The good news is that more and more colleges are catering to students with dietary restrictions. Here are some tips for finding a gluten-free friendly college:

Ask Around

There are now many colleges that offer gluten-free dining options. However, it’s important to do your research before making a decision. Ask around. Talk to your friends and family members who have attended different colleges to see if they know of any that have good gluten-free dining options.

Check the College Website

Fortunately, more and more colleges are becoming aware of the needs of students with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity and are making their campuses gluten-free friendly. You can check a college’s website to see if they have information about their food service and what options are available for students who need a gluten-free diet.

Contact the School Directly

Contact the school directly to inquire about their policies and accommodations for students with gluten sensitivities. Many colleges now have gluten-free meal plans and celiac-specific dining halls, which can make your transition to college much easier. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or request help from the school’s disability services office. With a little bit of preparation, you can find a college that will accommodate your dietary needs and make your academic journey a success.

Visit the Campus

Finding a college that is gluten-free friendly can be a challenging task. But, it is important to consider all of your options before making a decision. Visiting the campus is a key step in the process. When you visit, take time to ask questions about the gluten-free policies and procedures on campus.

Be sure to also speak with the staff in the dining hall to get an idea of what food options are available to you. If you have any other dietary restrictions, be sure to ask about those as well. By taking the time to ask questions and tour the campus, you will be able to better determine if the school is a good fit for you.

Gluten Intolerance Group

Another great way to find a gluten-free friendly college is to search for schools that have been certified by the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG). The GIG has a program called “GFU” – Gluten Free University. Schools that participate in GFU have gone through an extensive review process and have met all of the requirements necessary to be certified as gluten-free friendly.

Things to Consider when Packing for College

Going away to college is a new and exciting experience for most students, but for those who are gluten-free, it can be a little intimidating. There are many things to consider when packing for college, such as what foods to bring with you and where you will be able to find gluten-free food on campus. If this is your first time going gluten-free and away from home, here are some tips to help make the transition a little easier.

First of all, it’s important to pack plenty of gluten-free snacks and meals that you can eat on the go. This will help you avoid being caught in a bind when there are no gluten-free options available at the dining hall or campus café. Some good ideas include trail mix, fruit, hard boiled eggs, sandwiches wrapped in wax paper or cling wrap, and cold quinoa or rice dishes.

Additionally, it is important to get familiar with the area you will be living in. The first place that you might want to check out is the local grocery store. If there are any gluten-free brands of food, you can buy them and bring them with you.

In general, you want to be aware of the foods that you can eat in your new location. It is also important to be prepared for what might not be available.

Tips for Eating Gluten-Free at College

Going to college can be a difficult time for students with gluten sensitivities. There are many things to think about when you’re moving away from home, and food restrictions shouldn’t have to be one of them. However, with a little preparation and planning, eating gluten-free at college can be easy and manageable. Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Always carry a list of gluten-free restaurants and grocery stores with you. This will come in handy when you’re traveling or when you’re in a hurry and need to find something fast.
  • Talk to your roommates and friends about your dietary restrictions.
  • Learn how to cook for yourself. This way, you’ll always have something safe to eat no matter where you are.
  • Join gluten-free clubs or groups on campus that can help you connect with others who are also living gluten-free. This is a great way to get information and advice from people who have been in your shoes.


In conclusion, going gluten free in college can be a challenge, but with a little preparation it can be manageable. There are plenty of gluten free options available on campus, and by packing your own meals and snacks you can be sure to have what you need. With a little planning and some creativity, you can enjoy a gluten free college experience.

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