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The Unexpected Side Effect of Eating Cinnamon

Whether you love or hate cinnamon, chances are you have already heard of the so-called “cinnamon challenge.” Participants in this challenge are required to put a tablespoon of ground cinnamon in their mouth and attempt to swallow it dry.

Can Cinnamon Make You Throw Up?

While the challenge may sound innocent and even simple, this may actually pose some risks to your health, especially if you aren’t too careful. Can cinnamon make you throw up, then? Well, yes, there is a possibility that you might throw up because of cinnamon.

Now, it doesn’t mean you can completely remove cinnamon from your diet. If swallowed or consumed as part of a recipe, cinnamon is a beneficial spice that you can add to your healthy diet plan.

Mild Consequences of Cinnamon Challenge

In the United States alone, there were 222 cases of cinnamon misuse that were reported in 2012 to poison centers. The dare involved in the cinnamon challenge usually causes the participants to cough out a cloud of dust in cinnamon color.

The stunt made approximately 30 participants end up in the hospital in 2012 with potentially long-lasting and serious damage based on reports. Swallowing a huge quantity of dry cinnamon can lead to coughing, gagging, as well as a burning sensation in the mouth at the very least.

Serious Consequences of Cinnamon Challenge

Aside from the mild consequences, there were also more serious cases where swallowing cinnamon resulted in throwing up, throat irritation, and choking. The explanation for these consequences is simple.

Cinnamon has cellulose content that doesn’t break down very fast in the body. Inhaling dry cinnamon can also cause lung irritation, which can be more hazardous for those who suffer from asthma or other similar breathing issues.

This lung irritation can lead to inflammation, thickening of lung tissue, and even permanent scarring of the lungs that can result to even more dire effects like a collapsed lung or pneumonia.

Side Effects of Consuming Too Much Cinnamon

Even if you are one of those people who love cinnamon, it is important to remember that it is not a great idea to consume it in large quantities.

No one can blame you if you love loading up on your cinnamon. After all, cinnamon is known for being loaded with benefits. Cinnamon is a rich, aromatic spice that is not only flavorful but packs a punch as well with all its nutrients. Unfortunately, it can lead to several side effects if you end up consuming more than what is necessary.

Many people often overdo things when they realize that it is great for their health only to complain that they didn’t receive any benefits at all. Over-consuming cinnamon can have adverse effects on your health.

It is because regular cinnamon has high levels of coumarin, which is a type of aromatic organic chemical compound, that can contribute to liver damage and even cancer.

Here are some of the common side effects of eating cinnamon in excessive amounts:

It Can Cause Allergies

Cinnamon can lead to allergies such as stomach issues and skin irritation in some people. This is why it is important to be extra careful every time you eat cinnamon and keep an eye on your eating patterns to determine if you have any allergic reaction to cinnamon.

It Can Lead to Digestive Issues

Consuming too much cinnamon can make some people suffer from a burning sensation in their stomach. The sensation is not only painful but can also lead to stomach ulcers and even cancer. It can basically hamper the digestive processes, so it pays to be extra careful.

You Can Develop Mouth Sores

Cinnamon has cinnamaldehyde content, and it is the main reason why there are people who suffer from mouth ulcers. Others even complain about an itchy and burning sensation in the gums or on the tongue.

Experts suggest approximately 2 to 4 grams or one teaspoon of cinnamon daily. Anything more than this can turn into a problem. If you are taking some medication, you also need to be cautious since it might also react with the cinnamon.

You May Suffer from Respiratory Problems

There are instances when you might end up inhaling ground cinnamon while preparing or eating meals. It can trigger difficulty in breathing, sneezing, and coughing. Asthma patients must be extra careful when using cinnamon.

You Might Feel Dizzy

Eating too much cinnamon may also cause your body’s sugar levels to dive. Due to this, you might experience fatigue, feel dizzy, and even suffer from anxiety.

Who Should Avoid Eating Cinnamon?

The following people might want to refrain from eating cinnamon:

  • People with asthma must be careful when using cinnamon. It is important to ensure that they don’t end up inhaling cinnamon accidentally since it can cause breathing problems and instant cough.
  • Cinnamon may lead to uterine contractions or premature labor. This means that lactating women and pregnant women should not eat excessive amounts of cinnamon.
  • Compounds found in cinnamon are known to have properties that can cause trouble in patients with diabetes.
  • Patients with gastroparesis need to limit their consumption of cinnamon because their bodies cannot digest it properly.
  • You need to avoid cinnamon if you used to have or have liver disease.
  • You have to be careful when eating cinnamon if you develop mouth ulcers easily.

It doesn’t mean you can dismiss the benefits of cinnamon, but you need to remember that too much of it can be dangerous for you. Always be careful with the quantity to stay on the safe side.

What are the Benefits of Cinnamon?

Cinnamon can be a healthy addition to any diet if you add it to foods instead of swallowing it dry. This spice also has anti-ulcerative and antibacterial properties. It is also reported that cinnamon may help in improving blood glucose in obese people or people with type 2 diabetes.

The Bottom Line

Yes, there is the possibility that you will throw up because of cinnamon. This is why it is important to be careful with the amount you consume and stick to just adding it to recipes instead of consuming it on its own.

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